NostalgicPlayer manual

Module information

Module information

Here you can see the module information window, which shows all the information about the playing module. If you click "File name", NostalgicPlayer will open its folder in File Explorer and selects the file. Note that this feature is disabled on Windows 10S.

Part above the "File name" is always same while lower part changes depending on what type of module you are playing.

Module comment Module comment 2

If the playing module have any comments, a comment tab appears where you can read it.

Module lyrics

Some modules may have lyrics included. If that's the case, a lyrics tab appears. It is specially SidPlay mus files, that comes with that. As you can see in the screenshot, the SidPlay player change the font to the same used on the good old Commodore 64, so we get all the symbols.

Module pictures

If a module have any picture attached, you can see them on the Pictures tab. If multiple pictures are available, you can switch between them by clicking the arrow buttons or use the keys left and right.