girl listen to music

Do you remember the music from Turican II or Rock'n'Roll on the Amiga? Well, it was Chris Hülsbeck who composed these wonderful pieces of music.

This is the 7 voices version of this format. Chris used Jochen Hippel mixer, because Jochen had written a great mixer routine on the Amiga.

Click on one of the boxes in the right column to download the module as either MP3 or the original module. You can also directly listen to the module by clicking the play icon. If you want to download all files (original modules only), click the button below.

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Name Size Download
Anstoss - Titel 118 KB
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Apidya - Credits 221 KB
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Apidya - Title 135 KB
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BC Kid - Titel 80 KB
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Carl Lewis Challenge - Title 101 KB
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Das Schwartze Auge - Titel 141 KB
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Denny - Title 87 KB
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Hexuma - Title 133 KB
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Metal Law - Title 132 KB
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Pre-Flight Check 95 KB
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Rush Of Discovery 90 KB
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Scimitar 125 KB
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Turrican 2 - Title 107 KB
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Turrican 3 - Title 96 KB
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